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Advocacy in New Mexico

Sharing your support of hunger-relief issues with our federal and state elected representatives may be the difference during an important legislative vote. Make your opinion known through advocacy efforts in the community. Our New Mexico Food Bank has put together a few resources to point you in the right direction.

Advocacy on a National Level

If you are seeking information about upcoming hunger-relief legislation at the federal level, we recommend you connect with our national hunger organization, Feeding America. Feeding America works on a national level on behalf of member food banks and hunger relief programs. Visit their website for regular updates about federal legislation related to hunger relief programs.

If you would like information about Roadrunner Food Bank‘s role in hunger-relief visit our Hungry People in New Mexico section, or contact us about being involved in our advocacy activities.

You can be a part of solving hunger together by contacting our New Mexico Congressional delegation. They have the power to change laws and to enact policies that could help people in need all over New Mexico. Let your voice be heard and advocate for hunger relief by contacting:

U.S. Senator Tom Udall
Albuquerque Plaza
219 Central Ave. NW
Suite 210
Albuquerque, NM 87102

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich
625 Silver SW Suite 130
Albuquerque, NM 87102
505-346.6780 (fax)

U.S. Representative  Deb Haaland
400 Gold Ave SW
Suite 680
Albuquerque, NM 87102

U.S. Representative Xochitl Torres Small
430 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515

U.S. Representative Ben R. Lujan
811 St Michael’s Drive, Suite 104
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Be sure to also let you voice be heard with our Governor and our state legislature about hunger-relief issues, too!

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham
Office of the Governor
490 Old Santa Fe Trail Room 400
Santa Fe, NM 87501

The Legislature of the State of New Mexico

You can find your state senator or representative online with these resources:

Other Ways to Support Roadrunner Food Bank

Your advocacy efforts can help educate and inform our state and federal legislators about the importance of protecting programs that help low-income and needy Americans and New Mexicans.

Charitable programs can’t do it alone.  It takes a combination of government programs, charitable non-profits, the private sector and each of us individually to ensure our most vulnerable neighbors have an opportunity for a better tomorrow.  At a time when poverty and hunger are the highest ever in our state, it will take all of us to solve these complex issues.

Be our partner and together we can solve hunger.  You can provide immediate help with your donations of time, food or money to our charity. Together we can solve hunger to help our vulnerable neighbors right here in New Mexico.

Looking for ways to help? We have provided a few tips to get involved right away.

  • Help Roadrunner Food Bank solve hunger by making a monthly donation – set up a monthly recurring gift.
  • Receive email from the Food Bank by opting in.
  • Learn about how to volunteer at the Food Bank –  click to register
  • Learn how you can serve in other ways by visiting our Take Action Page

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